Welcome to Student Services at The Apprentice School! The goal of Student Services is to provide student activities and workshops that develop leadership, while fostering an atmosphere of community within the total apprentice experience.
Orientation Services
Student Services strives to help each apprentice reach their highest potential. To do this, all new hire apprentices take Academic and Student Success Orientation. The goal is to empower students to develop inner qualities that assist in maximizing their potential in school, career and personal lives. At the heart of this is the ability to make “wise choices” that support not only academic success, but personal and professional success as well.
Academic Advising
Advisors are available to assist apprentices in many ways, ranging from transfer credits to understanding one’s own academic standing (i.e. probation or academic warnings). Student Services, partnering with selected academic instructors, form a pool of academic advisors that incoming apprentices are assigned to as they begin academics. Grades are monitored weekly and ongoing interactions occur between an apprentice and their advisor for guidance.